Sri PandurangAshtakam – The Divine Lyrics Composed on Sri Panduranga in Sanskrit and English


Sri Panduranga is revered as the holy avatar of Lord Vishnu and Krishna is one of the prominent deities in the states of Maharastra and Karnataka. The verses of Pandurangashtakam emphasize the divinity and the character of Lord Panduranga and his bestowing nature upon devotees

One surprising aspect of Pandurangashtakam lyrics is that the verses in each stanza explain both the divine appearance of the Lord as well as his merciful nature making the readers to feel the bliss of the Panduranga

Shri Panduranga also known as Vitthala

PandurangAshtakam Lyrics with Meaning

महायोगपीठे तटे भीमरथ्या
वरं पुंडरीकाय दातुं मुनीद्रैः ।
समागत्य तिष्टंतमानंदकदं
परब्रह्मलिंगं भजे पांडुरंगं ॥ १ ॥

Mahayogapithe tate bhimarathyam
Varam Pundarikaya datum munindraih
Samagatya tishthanta-manandakandam
Parabrahmalingam Bhaje Pandurangam (1)

O the divine one! who is seated at the banks of river Bhimarathi in a state of spiritual union
The one who arrived to bless the pundarika, (sages)
The one who is source of supreme bliss
I worship the Panduranga who is the eternal one

तडिद्वाससं नीलमेघावभासं
रमामंदिरं सुंदरं चित्प्रकाशम् ।
वरं त्विष्टिकायां समन्यस्तपादं
परब्रह्मलिंगं भजे पांडुरंगं ॥ २ ॥

Tadidvasasam nilameghavabhasam
Ramamandiram Sundaram chitprakasham
Varam tvishtikayam samanyastapadam
Parabrahmalingam Bhaje Pandurangam (2)

O the one whose garments radiates like a lightening on his blue cloud like form
O’ the abode of Lakshmi(Rama) whose face shines with brilliant consciousness
The one who grant boons by placing his feet on a brick
I worship that Panduranga who is the eternal one

प्रमाणं भवाब्धेरिदं मामकानां
नितंबः कराभ्यां धृतो येन तस्मात् ।
विधातुर्वसत्यै धृतो नाभिकोशः
परब्रह्मलिंगं भजे पांडुरंगं ॥ ३ ॥

Pramanam Bhavabdheridam mamakanam
Nitambah Karabhyam Dhrto Yena tasmat
Vidhaturvasatyai dhrto nabhikoshah
Parabrahmalingam Bhaje Pandurangam (3)

O’ my devotees, the measure of the ocean of worldly existence only reaches till here
Indicating the measure by placing his hands on his waist
the one who arose lotus from his naval for Brahma to dwell ( to create the universe)
I worship that Panduranga who is the eternal one

स्फुरत्कौस्तुभालंकृतं कंठदेशे
श्रिया जुष्टकेयूरकं श्रीनिवासम्
शिवं शान्तमीड्यं वरं लोकपालं
परब्रह्मलिंगं भजे पांडुरंगं ॥ ४ ॥

Spuratkaustubhalankratam Kanthadeshe
Shriya Jushtakeyurakam Shrinivasam
Shivam Shantamidyam Varam Lokapalam
Parabrahmalingam Bhaje Pandurangam (4)

The one whose neck is studded with Kaustabha gem
Who is adorned with armlets of Shri(precious) and the one who himself is the adobe of Shri
The one who is the auspicious and bestower of peace as well as the protector of the world
I worship that Panduranga who is the eternal one

शरचंद्रबिबाननं चारुहासं
जपारागबिंबाधरं कंजनेत्रम्
परब्रह्मलिंगं भजे पांडुरंगं ॥ ५ ॥

Sharacchandrabimbananam Charuhasam
Lasatkundalakranta gandasthalangam
Japaragabimbadharam Kanjanetram
Parabrahmalingam Bhaje Pandurangam (5)

The one whose face shines like an autumn season moon with a beautiful smile
And whose cheeks are decked with glittering earrings
And the one whose lips have a color of Hibiscus and appearance of bimba fruit; and had beautiful eyes like a lotus
I worship that Panduranga who is the eternal one

किरीटोज्ज्वलत्सर्वदिक् प्रान्तभागं
सुरैरर्चितं दिव्यरत्नैरनर्घैः
त्रिभंगाकृतिं बर्हमाल्यावतंसं
परब्रह्मलिंगं भजे पांडुरंगं ॥ ६ ॥

Surairarchitam divya-ratnair-anarghaih
Tribhangaakritim barhamalyavatamsam
Parabrahmalingam Bhaje Pandurangam (6)

The one whose crown radiates in all directions
the one who is worshipped by the Devas with precious gems
and beautifully stands in Tri-bhanga posture and adorned with peacock features and garland
I worship that Panduranga who is the eternal one

विभुं वेणुनादं चरन्तं दुरन्तं
स्वयं लीलया गोपवेषं दधानम्
गवां वृंदकानन्दनं चारुहासं
परब्रह्मलिंगं भजे पांडुरंगं ॥ ७ ॥

Vibhum Venunadam Charantam Durantam
Swayam Leelaya Gopavesham Dadhanam
Gavam vrndakaanandadam charuhasam
Parabrahmalingam Bhaje Pandurangam (7)

O the one who plays the flute; and pervades everywhere and wards off the evil
O the one with divine sport who took the form of a cowherd
And mesmerized the hearts of the Vrindavan people with a captivating smile
I worship that Panduranga who is the eternal one

अजं रुक्मिणीप्राणसंजीवनं तं
परं धाम कैवल्यमेकं तुरीयम् ।
प्रसन्नं प्रपन्नार्तिहं देवदेवं
परब्रह्मलिंगं भजे पांडुरंगं ॥ ८ ॥

Ajam Rukmini-pranansanjivanam tam
Param dhama kaivalyamekam tureeyam
Prasannam prapannartiham devadevam
Parabrahmalingam Bhaje Pandurangam (8)

The one without birth and the life force of Rukhmini
The supreme beautiful form; the fourth state of Turiya
The peaceful one, remover of distress of devotees and lord of the lords
I worship that Panduranga who is the eternal one


स्तवं पांडुरंगस्य वै पुण्यदं ये
पठन्त्येकचित्तेन भक्त्या च नित्यम् ।
भवांबोनिधिं तेऽपि तीर्त्वाऽन्तकाले
हरेरालयं शाश्र्वतं प्राप्नुवन्ति ॥ ९ ॥

Stavam Paanndduranggasya Vai Punnya-Dam Ye
Patthantye-Eka-Chittena Bhaktyaa Cha Nityam
Bhava-Ambhonidhim Taepi Tiirtva-anta-Kaale
Harer-Aalayam Shaashvatam Praapnuvanti (9)

These versus of Sri Panduranga confers Auspiciousness to those who…
Recite with utmost devotion everyday
And will cross the ocean of Samsara in the end
And attain the eternal abode of Lord Hari

इति श्री परम पूज्य शंकराचार्यविरचितं श्रीपांडुरंगाष्टकं संपूर्णं
Ithi Sri Parama Pujya Shankaracharya virachitam Shri Pandurangashtakam Sampurnam

This ends the divine Shri Pandurangashtakam composed by the Holiness Sri Adi Shankaracharya


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